Do you have trouble keeping up with all the laws, legislation, licenses and permits that are required for your business?

Recently, a very lucrative mining company, who pins its business on water rights, lost rights to the water on their own land, because they failed to launch a permit renewal in time. They were unable to mine for a large stretch of time until the permit issues were sorted out.

Do you know when all your permits and renewals are due?

If you run a fleet, do you know when all your registrations are due?

Are you on top of all of your obligations to the tax office and are you up to date with all your insurance?

If you employ a bookkeeper, such as those at Think Better Bookkeeping, we can make sure that you are reminded about these important dates in plenty of time for action to be taken to ensure that your licenses and permits do not lapse.

This is another service we offer – along with keeping your books, making sure your accounts balance, meeting Australian Tax Office (ATO) deadlines.

There is a lot of confusion out there about what is expected from business owners – you need a professional on your side to make sure that you are meeting all of your obligations such as paying your staff correctly, lodging your BAS in time, lodging tax returns and issuing group certificates to staff.

Chances are you started your business because you were passionate about landscaping, making jewellery, selling skincare, concreting, building and fixing things – you started your business to do something you enjoy and/or are very good at.

Unfortunately, business administration comes with the start of any business and ends up consuming far more time than any business owner would like.

Let us help you!

Think Accountants are launching Think Better Bookkeeping who can ensure that your business accounts are in tip top shape and that you meet all of your business obligations – pass the ATO test with flying colours!

If you find bookkeeping taxing and you are constantly tested by the tax department, think about outsourcing your bookkeeping to Think Better Bookkeeping.

We are having a business launch where we can tell you all the ways we can help you with your business and to make your business administration far more manageable – or better still… we’ll manage it for you!

Come to the launch of Think Better Bookkeeping at 
OTree Restaurant 
on the 23rd of October to hear more about how we can help make
 your life that much easier.

We love bookkeeping and we love to help.

Call us today on 9428 9630 to book a place at our launch party so we can tell you how you can offload the most tedious part of your business to our helpful team.