There is a lot to Consider When Starting a Business
- by Rebecca Gray
- February 19, 2020
- business startup
So, you’ve taken the leap! Congratulations – you have decided to start your own business.
Starting a business can be very scary, especially if it is your only source of income.
So, let the experts at Think Accountants help you get the set up completely right from the get-go.
There is so much to think about!
You will need to check to see if the name you have settled on is not already registered and if you can make it yours – register an ABN, setting up websites and social media.
Starting capital – where are you going to get the money you need to fund your business?
Then there is the taxation side of things, when to pay tax. How much?
Hiring staff – what is the best way to go about hiring staff?
Then you have to think about paying those staff the correct amounts….
Phew! That is a lot to worry about when you started with a dream and the drive to start your own business!
Here at Think Accountants we have helped LOTS of businesses get off the ground and flourish under our watchful eyes.
We have come up with a checklist for you to follow to make sure that you do all the things you need to do to start your business right.
Then, meet with our helpful and supportive staff to discuss issues, worries and questions to help you start off on the right foot.
At Think Accountants we like to think of ourselves as an extension of your business, a partner, a support network who can help you to build a great business.
Dealing with ASIC and the Australian Tax Office can be scary and confusing (as well as expensive if you don’t get it right!), so let us help you to start your business and build a relationship that will see your business grow and thrive.
We are happy to meet with you before you start your business to go through our checklist and to see how we can help you, but also to suggest other business partners who can help you along the way to starting your new business.
We are here to help!
You may think that you have taken all the possibilities, all the things you need and all the probabilities into account – chances are that is just not the case.
Call the friendly and helpful staff at Think Accountants on 9428 9630 today to help you get started on your dream of owning your own business.